Visual Novels
Visual Novels
/c/Visual Novels
A community for discussing visual novels and the visual novel medium.
Chat with us!
- Make sure your topic is related to visual novels in some way.
- Don’t post one-liner posts with no image, troll attempts, or karma-farming attempts.
- If you post a screenshot from a VN, you are required to post a name of the visual novel in the title. (e.g. [VN title] Post title)
- NSFW rule: Mark your post as NSFW if it contains explicit sex or gratuitous nudity. When in doubt, NSFW it for the browsing safety of your fellow users.
Our friends
Visual Novels:
- !
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Otome Games:
Making Visual Novels:
Community stats
Monthly active users
Community moderators
Comfy Snugs
General Rules:
- You must be at least 18 years of age.
- No content that is illegal under US Law.
- Do not mute/block/ban evade.
- Do not “Dox” other users.
- NSFW content MUST be tagged appropriately.
- Please do not spam and/or advertise.
- It is expected that a certain level of civility is maintained. Please do not troll, harass, or abuse other users.