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What Could Go Wrong


What Could Go Wrong


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The WCGW that you know and love.

Welcome to WhatCouldGowrong, the home of stupid ideas and their consequences. Grab a chair and popcorn, sit back, and you’re all set.

1 Golden Rule: Links must contain a stupid idea and something going wrong.

2 Direct links to gifs/videos/pics only.

3 Tag your material with NSFW if it is NSFW - NSFL posts are not allowed (nor any children getting hurt).

4 Mods can remove obscene material, racism, sexism, and re-re-reposts at their discretion, and banning may ensue.

5 No videos from Tiktok or videos that promote individual content creators

NOTE: We recommend hosting your videos on or

Community stats

  • 2

    Monthly active users

  • 52


  • 522



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  • All bot accounts must be explicitly marked as bots
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