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The yiff community of smeargle fans


The yiff community of smeargle fans


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Community stats

  • 321

    Monthly active users

  • 3.1K


  • 2.8K


Community moderators

Smeargle Fans

This instance is only for people 18 years of age or older. Please leave if you are under 18.

Instance Rules

  1. Don’t violate United States or German law.


You can submit an application and I’ll probably approve it. Do not submit an application if you are under 18. If you don’t use your account after a few weeks of joining, it’ll probably get banned to prevent abuse.

Alternate Frontends

Normal - lemmy-ui

Old Reddit - mlmym

iOS Style - voyager

Node Info

This site is hosted on Hetzner CAX41 (ARM64, 32GB RAM, 16 Cores, 320GB Disk) for €24.49/month, but the VPS is shared with other sites as well. Current disk usage is about 30GB for all lemmy related stuff. The physical server is hosted in Germany, the proxy is hosted in Romania, and the site uses Cloudflare (United States) for caching/DDOS protection. Backups of the PG database and pictr are done nightly and uploaded to servers in Germany and Finland (encrypted).