

Create post

c/youtube is a community for YouTube. Discuss the platform, videos, channels, creator tips, or anything that relates to YouTube! Please read and follow the rules. Have fun, be kind!


  • No politics
  • Do not suggest that users should like or subscribe
  • No advertising products or services
  • No explicit self promotion
  • Be kind

Posting Guidelines:

Discussion based posts are primarily encouraged. You may post links to videos or channels but there must be a reason for doing so other than promoting videos/channels. This guideline should ensure there is less spam and less self-promotion so we can grow a rich community.

Community stats

  • 1

    Monthly active users

  • 7


  • 5


Community moderators



1. Please be kind and helpful to one another.

2. No racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, spam.

3. Linking to piracy sites is fine, but please keep links directly to pirated content in DMs.

4. Self-Promotion is fine as long as you don’t spam, and the community you’re in allows it.

5. Please mark all NSFW communities / posts, and keep in mind we will ban users who post loli/shota, bestiality, CSAM or NSFL content.