This sort of thing still happens
I’ve had a chat with a farmer in Australia where they were feeding dariy cows boiled sweets (He got access to some sort container load of factory seconds, still with the plastic on, farmer wasn’t going to remove the plastic from millions of boiled lollies)
Yep, for a source for others about the plastic bit
The system that strips off the plastic wrappings can’t capture it all, and so in the UK a limit of 0.15% of plastic is allowed by the Food Standards Agency. The official EU level for plastic permitted in animal feed is zero although in reality many other countries operate within the same 0.15% limit.
Ok wow didn’t realise it was that wide spread. These were just some locals talking about stuff and he was proud they had gotton a good deal on seconds sweets. Feeding left over stuff, bread, cakes, seemed common place.
I was horrified about the plastic but seems to be pretty normal!