Sex is a spectrum! Look it up!
I am quite sure I have studied the topic more deeply than you have :D
You are right, it is a spectrum. The spectrum of sex doesn’t make sexual dimorphism invalid though. If you have studied this stuff very deeply at all, then you are exceptionally skilled at hiding it. Whenever anyone asks you anything in this thread, you always just instantly dive behind childish name calling and mindless insults. You have an opportunity to share your point of view here, and yet it always seems to come out as if you have no substance whatsoever. I know it’s not true. You could be doing so much better.
I’m not interested in arguing with transphobes :) just here for other trans people
Words lose meaning when people use them too much. There actually are people put there that speak derogatorily of trans people. I’m not one of them. It is OK for people to have different points of view. I know you’ve been hurt badly, and that is not fair, it shows in nearly every comment you make. I wish those things hadn’t happened to you, but I, and the others in this thread trying to help you are not the ones who hurt you. It is OK to let your guard down sometimes, snapping at everybody and instantly resorting to insults at any sign of disagreement isn’t helping you at all, it is just making you a more and more bitter person. I hope some day you can find some peace.