If only there was an alternative to windows somewhere!
In a corporate setting you’re probably using Active Directory for authentication and don’t have a local account anyway.
I use Linux on my desktop at work, and sometimes you might end up with an apple computer instead depending on the employer.
The monopoly is slipping.
Same. The Linux setup there is a fucking mess though… AD authentication freezes login for a minute or so if you switch networks at the wrong moment, puppet keeps messing with the system and recently they installed clamav as a live malware scanner on all machines, making them eat batteries for breakfast and slowing down even menial tasks. If you have admin rights, they refuse to add your user to sudoers but instead create a new admin user (another indicator that they’re just really coming from windows) which everybody just uses to add their original user to sudoers, which was a nice workaround but which they now noticed and want to prohibit via puppet or user rights or something. It’s just such a mess. I mean, still leagues ahead of using windows, but a corporate environment really is a machine that transforms time and money into a terrible experience for everybody.
I had a ying yang work experience with two companies as a pupil.
One used Linux and I had unexpected skills making me solve and create a product/feature. The project manager was kind and a nerd like me. The chef was sweet kind.
The other company used Microsoft products in every corner like a hardcore football fan. The project manager was kinda toxic and it was hard to explain something to him as he pretended to have knowledge and the chef was rarely in a happy mood and often screaming at him. He didn’t knew many things about Microsoft products and browser itself, he just coded and didn’t understood its entirety back knowledge. He expected me to be some master student and graded me bad for skills no pupil had in our class as we just only learned Java in school, I could use all langauages they used and it still wasn’t enough.
There are a few alternatives to Windows out there at this time, if you were to look into React OS and Great Tea OS to see what those are about.