Sources & further reading (& quitting strategy links):
We need to have an honest conversation about smoking: The problem with smoking is that it is way more than just a physical addiction. Smoking creates a temporary problem and offers an instant solution. Once your brain is used to nicotine, for up to 72 hours you are itchy,
nervous and stressed – but one drag and instantly, you feel really good. It also helps you focus and take breaks during work, while suppressing your appetite. So why is it such a bad idea?
Yeah it sucks. Though for what it’s worth, I’m definitely not suggesting other people should stop watching him. It would be hypocritical of me to do so.
I don’t watch Kurzgesagt, but then I never did much. I watched a video of theirs here and there but never got really into it. But I was a huge fan of CGP Grey. The above was only a minor part of it, but some of Grey’s other actions have upset me to the point I can’t say I really like the guy any more. But I still watch his videos…when he actually puts one out. They’re high production value and usually on interesting subjects.