Python is probably the top non-systems language for productivity and expressiveness right now if you use type hints.
Is there any way of enforcing the use of type hints? I just feel like even when I use them I forget about them most of the time and in that case they are not very useful.
I was using python for quite a bit, but don’t like how cumbersome their types are, I really fell in love with nim when I was looking for alternatives, it’s an underdog, but personally I really like the langauge.
nim looks good at a glance. I tend to stick with marketable programming languages so there are so many I don’t know about. I personally think that using the optional strong typing features are enough to make Python a joy to use. But yes, other people’s code can be cumbersome.
For me it depends on the size, for small stuff like 1000-2000 lines of code that mainly I just work on alone, something like python is okay, if it is something longer, I miss types a lot.
The thing is nim is more than just a typed python, it just works really well, I’ve had a lot of fun with it the two or so years that I’ve used it.
But then again, I have a lot of fun testing out different languages, and don’t care about marketability, since I’m just programming as a hobby, and not as my profession, right now I’m playing around with picolisp, and it’s pretty fun :)