I usually just use the ones that just spawn into existance, that way they don’t cost money. Last time I bought a toshiba, before that a kingston, and I don’t remember what was before that, but I know that if I buy, I buy from reputable brands and even those fail.
That’s my gold standard. I’ve used just about everything under the sun. They’ve all failed, except this one. I have a few of these now. They’ve survived all kinds of punishment. Hell even being left in my pocket and going through several wash/dry cycles.
I have an upcoming contender if it keeps going, and it’s a Kingston Lexar. 128gig I use mostly for work. All metal housing, no moving parts and attached to my keychain. It’s not been wash/dried yet. But it goes with me every day. And it’s used nearly daily too.
Edit: Nvm, just looked at right now, my keychain drive is also Lexar, so NVM, Lexar all day 'er day.
I’ve got two Sandisks (both 64GB but different models) that have both been through the washing machine multiple times (accidentally) and haven’t failed yet. They are probably about 3 years old at this point but I can’t remember.