When you click on an image and double tap to zoom, it zooms to the microscopic level or is it just me?

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This is because of the library we use for Jerboa. Too allow zooming in a lot, I have set the maximum zoom factor to a high number. The behaviour of double tap is to zoom to maximum zoom factor. So as consequence it now instantly zooms in a lot when doing double tap zoom.

I have filed a feature request to change this behaviour. https://github.com/saket/telephoto/issues/88




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Jerboa is a native-android client for Lemmy, built using the native android framework, Jetpack Compose.

Warning: You can submit issues, but between Lemmy and lemmy-ui, I probably won’t have too much time to work on them. Learn jetpack compose like I did if you want to help make this app better.

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Jerboa is made by Lemmy’s developers, and is free, open-source software, meaning no advertising, monetizing, or venture capital, ever. Your donations directly support full-time development of the project.


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