I think Microsoft’s planned recall feature where they screenshot everything you do so that it can be analysed by AI isn’t as bad as everyone makes it sound. It’s only bad because Windows is closed source and nobody can verify if what they say is true.

But if Microsoft aren’t lying and none of the data ever leaves your PC (which is supported by the fact that you need a pretty beefy machine to use it) then it is one of the more privacy friendly shit they’ve done recently. And I think they were fully aware that they could only sell “thing that records everything you do” if they could convince people that it doesn’t share that data. Guess they failed.

If it were open source I might even think about using it myself. If the hardware and subsequently power requirements weren’t so absurdly high.

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3 points

Genuine unpopular opinion and the people downvote it… In a community named “Unpopular Opinion”.

5 points

An unpopular opinion can have more or less thought put into it and be genuinely interesting and get up- or downvoted accordingly. Just like a photograph in a photography sub can have more or less thought put into it and an interesting or boring subject and get up- or downvoted accordingly.

Genuine photograph and the people downvote it… In a community named “photography”.

Sounds like utter nonsense doesn’t it

1 point

Honestly, I wouldn’t even know how to vote on something I don’t agree with. I just add everything together for my dopamine.

1 point

Unpopular opinion communities will always have a problem, bc the opinions that get upvoted are the ones people think are unpopular but still to a certain degree agree with.


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