This is why a number of Republican-controlled states have banned municipal governments from imposing workplace rules to limit heat exposure.

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53 points

Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida and Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas, both Republicans, signed legislation to prevent local governments from requiring heat protections

Listen up conservatives, Republicans want your working conditions to return to the fucking hell they were before Upton Sinclair wrote The Jungle.

They’d rather you die of heat stroke at 30 than get a state or federally mandated water break but you’re too fucking stupid to realize this applies to you too and not just the minority groups you think you’re punishing every time you vote GOP. Wake the fuck up and stop voting for these vicious psychopaths. They are never going to do anything that ever helps you or serves your interests let alone those of society as a whole.

7 points

All those manufacturing jobs they keep moaning about, all those trade jobs they want people to join, all of that is affected by these cruel policies, and it means their children and grandchildren will reap the consequences.

But fuck you, got mine, amirite? /s


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