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7 points

French-Canadians, on the other hand, fully realize how racist they are towards Anglo-Canadians and hate their language with a passion.

4 points

They do that by bending backwards and talking English whenever there’s an Anglophone present no matter if they’re the only one in a group of ten that doesn’t speak French fluently 👍

They do that by having the biggest college and university in Quebec be English ones (the latter being the third richest in Canada) 👍

They do that by being more bilingual 👍

They do that by never having prevented them from learning their language in school contrary to what happened to French Canadians outside Quebec 👍

Fucking French Canadians and their hate for the english language! Truly they’re bigots all of them!

1 point

They do that by bending backwards and talking English whenever there’s an Anglophone present no matter if they’re the only one in a group of ten that doesn’t speak French fluently

Sure, if you’re lucky enough to be on the south side of Montreal and literally nowhere else.

They do that by having the biggest college and university in Quebec be English ones (the latter being the third richest in Canada)

They’re so generous that they just doubled tuition for out-of-province students, a clear attack on their English-speaking institutions, and one so severe that many programs at these schools will have to cut up to 25% of their course offerings to make up the budget shortfalls. Clearly they’re throwing their full support behind their internationally-acclaimed English institutions.

They do that by being more bilingual

Lol, again, sure, if you happen to live in the southern half of Montreal, maybe. And that’s not counting the huge number of people who clearly speak English but refuse to do so for nationalistic reasons. I know literally zero French-speaking Anglo-Canadians who show similar behavior.

They do that by never having prevented them from learning their language in school contrary to what happened to French Canadians outside Quebec

It is literally illegal for me to send my two kids to an English-speaking school right now, so you can go peddle that crock of shit to someone who doesn’t have to deal with Quebec’s language bullshit on a daily basis. And that’s not even to mention Quebec’s abysmal record, both historically and recently on first nations language policies.

(By the way, it’s also illegal for me to try to seek healthcare in English in Quebec now too. Just another fun fyi for ya.)

Fucking French Canadians and their hate for the english language! Truly they’re bigots all of them!

This, but (mostly) unironically.

1 point

Sure, if you’re lucky enough to be on the south side of Montreal and literally nowhere else.

Bull fucking shit,

The only places where you’ll have a hard time getting service in English is in rural regions very far from major city centers. Heck, first Nations in Abitibi often speak English and they get service in that language.

They’re so generous that they just [doubled tuition for out-of-province students

Which is still lower than the price it costs for out of province students to go to school in other provinces, you forgot to mention that part

I know literally zero French-speaking Anglo-Canadians who show similar behavior.

Go spend some time in the west island or north of Gatineau and say that again with a straight face

It is literally illegal for me to send my two kids to an English-speaking school *right now

One of either parents needs to have went to school in English and it can also be accepted under other conditions, how about checking the government’s website instead of looking at an anti-French journal?

By the way, it’s also [illegal for me to try to seek healthcare in English in Quebec now too

Fear mongering by English media and not the reality? Who would have thought? 😱

1 point

and not just language

-1 points

Fully agree with this, homie. Wife and I lived in Montreal area as temporary foreign workers for like 4 years. Tried so hard to fit in and be polite, but would essentially get spit at or ignored everytime my accent was a tiny bit off. Didn’t say it perfectly the Quebecois way? Fuck you. Ask something in English? Hope you’re in a tourist area, otherwise fuck you. Want your medical records/labs in a different language? Fuck you. Ask for English menus? Fuck you and now your waitress hates you.

Also watched a friend from France repeatedly get told he’s speaking French wrong. Also they have like an actual department of language policing.

Quebec is poopy buttsauce. 0/10. Happy to be gone. Celine Dion is overrated. Sorry not sorry.


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