You mean a free Ubuntu pro account for personal use?
If you’re not paying for the product, then you’re the product.
(I don’t believe the above quote to be absolutely true, but I’m not sure what motivation Canonical could have to lock some features of the OS behind a free account except $$$.)
Canonical already maintains security patches for paying customers so they aren’t actually doing any extra work, but putting it behind a subscription gives them an option to start charging more for desktops, gives clear cost for server use, and maybe is marketing for “look at the premium work we do”.
Seems really dodgy to me making your business model holding security features hostage for either money or sign-ups, honestly.
Kindof like charging people for vaccines against deadly diseases or something.
But then again, my craw may be extra susceptible to sticking when it comes to such things.
Yeah, but Canonical locks security patches behind payment or signup, not just support.
I think it looks like Microsoft is requesting a ms account to use/install Windows, I think it’s weird to request registration for non-commercial users