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3 points

I’m not reading all of that. Stop being a baby and listen to people when they say they don’t like you calling them something. I very much doubt this is the first time you were asked to not use the word “female” when talking to a woman.

If you’re not signing some important document or in a medical setting, don’t talk to women and use the word female on them. It makes you sound like a demeaning dick.

“I just don’t understand why females do this” “Please stop calling us females. It makes it sound like we are less than men. Just call us women.” “Oh okay, no problem.”

Tadaaa. Problem fixed. Not that big of a deal.

-4 points

“I’m not reading all of that”

Could have stopped there. Ignorance is bliss, huh? Allows you to rage on someone who literally explained they didn’t mean any offensive behavior and were genuinely asking.

But you do you, even if you rage first and read later.


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