Don’t vote for president if you don’t want to, I get it. It’s stupid we only have 2 options, especially when both are in mental decline and show little to no ambition to reduce needless deaths and suffering. Both want to move this country towards fascism, and both are creating a worse world they won’t have to live in for much longer.

To those who see this and think I’m saying both sides are the same, I’m not. I’ll probably vote for Biden in November because he’s driving towards the cliff at a slower speed and at least does the bare minimum for marginalized in this country. Also Trump said some pretty racist shit last night. Still, to those who don’t want to support either candidate for the reasons above, that’s valid.

The point I’m getting to is VOTE DOWN BALLOT. Vote for your congress person and your senator, both federal and state. Vote for your city council and your sheriff and whatever bills there are and everything else. That’s where the fight still matters. That’s where you can make the most difference. The social justice you want to see won’t get near the white house until it’s represented in the lower offices. It doesn’t matter who the president is if you get enough decent people in a position to stand in their way.

unnecessary addendum

That’s the important bit but here’s a some sort messages to a few blocks of voters. To Republicans and right wingers, you should reevaluate your positions because what you’re supporting is stupid and selfish and often inhumane. To Democrats, if you get enough control over the house and senate it doesn’t really matter if Trump is president, also recognize and correct the failures of your party please. To the leftists, please run for office and bring those ideas into the mainstream discussion, try to reach out to your community and to share rather than driving them away with self righteousness. Also, don’t be bigoted, that goes for everyone.

Edit: I even said I was voting for Biden and the libs are still mad I think he sucks. Again, the point of this post is to get people to pay attention to the other things on their ballot. The president isn’t as important or as powerful as we act like it is. And if you want better options, you have to support better options in races where they actually have a chance.

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1 point

I disagree with this. I like democracy, though I do think we need to change the rules.

  1. He’s not

  2. He’s an outsider like Vatican city is outside Italy. But yes, that’s why Hillary lost because she was even more establishment.

  3. Trump is a carpet bomber who doesn’t need the excuse of war to attack people he dislikes.

  4. Trump’s peace plan is to give Putin whatever he wants.

  5. That’s not how that works.

  6. Trump wouldn’t be better on this.

  7. Trump is more unhinged.

  8. Yes our democracy is broken. I know how I want to repair it, but what is your alternative to democracy?

  9. I don’t think I get what you’re saying with this one.

  10. There’s a lot wrong with this one that I don’t currently have the patience to get into.

  11. That describes Trump.

  12. Mostly true, but doesn’t really say anything about the argument.

  13. This argument is pretty bad. The general statements say one thing while the specifics say the opposite. Doesn’t seem to support your conclusion.

  14. This is exactly right and the intended focus of my post.

-1 points

What does Putin want? A neutral Ukraine. Is that unreasonable to you? What sounds reasonable, getting your country wrecked because you want to join NATO, or be neutral and maintaining your borders? What does the US want in Ukraine? Peace or NATO membership? Why is it important for Ukraine to join NATO, and why do US state officials and the EU continue to insist THEY WILL JOIN NATO? Critical thinking skills are needed. NATO membership is more important than neutrality? Why? NATO membership is more important than preserving your own country. A reasonable person would think that is stupid. Indeed, everything about this conflict could have easily been avoided, but from the beginning, it was full-on stupid. Such stupidity can only be endorsed because of political agenda, and not rational thinking. Do you even know what Putin wants with any evidence, or is this conflict based on what you think Putin wants? If that is so, that is just stupid. Context is important here. NATO is a political alliance, and the Ukraine conflict is a political agenda. Whoever controls Ukraine does not affect the US. Ukraine is insignificant to the US. Such unhinged policy can only be explained by a political agenda; that is, the perpetual expansion of NATO, which Russia threw cold water on. The Russians had to gall oppose NATO expansion and defy US dominance. This makes logical sense that it is a political agenda that is wanted to be rammed through since the US is not interested in any compromise that Ukraine will not join NATO. Simple as that. This is why Donald Trump is better for Ukraine, who has a peace plan. Trump has no interest in expanding NATO and sees NATO as a parasite leeching off of the US, which he is technically correct. Joe Biden is unhinged here, not Donald Trump.

Furthermore, Joe Biden’s ideology is different from Trump’s. Trump has a nationalistic ideology focused at home. Joe Biden has an expansionist ideology in controlling and interfering in the politics of other countries to expand US influence (which is what Ukraine is about). Who is the real fascist here? A warmonger that wants to spread liberalism around the world or a nationalist that focuses more on the home front and deals with peer competitor like China? Fundamental differences. Donald Trump’s foreign policy has better priority than Joe Biden’s policy. The Russians are not going to lose in Ukraine and as Zelensky himself has said recently “time is running out”. Whatever dumb excuses needed to support Ukraine doesn’t matter in the end, because Ukraine is going to lose anyway.

1 point

That reasoning doesn’t explain the annexation of Crimea. Invading a neutral sovereign nation is a horrendous way to oppose a political alliance. With or without NATO, Putin would want to take control of Ukraine. Personally, I think that’s a bad thing and would like to stop it from happening. Also this invasion actually got Finland and Sweden to join NATO, so much for that cold water.

To address your edit with one of my own, Trump’s nationalistic focus on domestic policy is curtailing freedoms and vocally promoting hate. Not really what I’m looking for.

-2 points

Context is important here. Russians annexed Crimea because of a coup in Kyiv by Ukrainian Nationalist, the so-called Neo-Nazis, or politely called Extreme Ukrainian Nationalist. The reason why Russia annexed Crimea is for security concerns, which is why Ukrainian neutrality was important. The annexation was a geostrategic move to prevent future NATO control. Neutrality is important here. Besides, even if that is the case, why does the US need to meddle in Ukraine when it is inconsequential to US national security. We all know Americans were inside Ukraine prior to the 2014 coup. Victoria Nuland was there with her colleagues, meddling in Ukrainian politics. Why? Because there is a political agenda at work here.

It is important to point out causation here. Was neutrality better for Ukraine, or was going for NATO membership a disaster? The latter is indisputably true. Neutrality was better. To those to who say that Putin was going to invade anyway, based on what? We have people who can read other people’s minds? This is absurd logic to assume you know what another person is thinking and base international relations on that. That easily leads to miscalculation.

Here are the fact here since the US became deeply involved in Ukraine: 1. Ukraine is less democratic, with less political parties, with no legal president. 2. Ukraine is far less peaceful, with men forced to fight in a futile war that could have been prevented with diplomacy. 3. Ukraine is losing on the battlefield. Those are the facts. Whose miscalculation are those?


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