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5 points

Seriously, dude. While I can understand and share the angst against a lot of topics and the urge to bring them out whenever I see something contextually related, going off by a set topic in a wider context without having the relevant topic at hand isn’t fruitful.

Do you anti-war protesting, do your part against western downplay, denial of or distraction from their colonial crimes and related heinous acts. Do all of these without taking part in beating the dead (and/or wanted to be revived) U.S.S.R / CCP bashing even, thus being focused on one side in your criticism. But also learn to make a distinction between one topic and another in a context and to take part in that topic in relevant places.

I’m saying this by going from this comment chain, btw. I don’t have a habit of checking people’s comment history without being given a reason to do so.

1 point

First, I didn’t start this comment thread. You are implying I am engineered it.

Somebody made Edge Lord comment which got downvotes. I don’t know why… Maybe they didn’t like the vibe or maybe they don’t think US soldiers committed these crimes.

I provided context on why this person would say such a thing.

Mod said stop and I did. While I still think this is on topic, I am not gonna argue over it. He left my comment up, so I respect the decision.

I do find it ironic that while this is happening the japan article I posted above pops up in my feed tho…

3 points

Hmm, yeah I see that it was someone else. I apologize, I should have noticed it and directed my criticism towards the thread starter.




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