The former Labour leader clinched a victory with more than 24,000 votes, compared to Labour candidate Praful Nargund who won more than 16,000.

It will come as a huge relief to Mr Corbyn, who has represented the north London constituency for 40 years.

Speaking at the count, he said: “I want to place on record my enormous thanks to the people of Islington North for electing me for the 11th time.”

He added: "We have shown what kinder, gentler and more sensible, more inclusive politics can bring about.

“I couldn’t be more proud of my constituency than I am tonight and proud of our team that brought this result. Thank you very much Islington North for the result we have achieved tonight.”

Islington North was on a knife edge, with the earlier general election exit poll saying that it was too close to call.

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21 points

One of the more intriguing results of the night and one of a few places Labour lost.

27 points

To someone who still stands for Labour policies. I do hope this doesn’t go over Starmer’s head.

12 points

A lot of areas have labour wins with other lefter leaning candidates aggressively nipping at their heels, despite a monumental imbalance in funding. Come the next election cycle I can see Labour getting a rather rude awakening, but we’ll see if they take that seriously or not.


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