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28 points

Nice try. I had the original and it can do everything this can do. Okay, it can do almost everything, like run calculator, but it’s the original!

3 points

I had a third generation of yours - the Commodore Amiga.

Holy shot was that an amazing machine! It was ahead of its time in so many ways. I learned to do OOP on it, I created some cool pictures in Paint Shop Pro on it, and of course I used it to play a ton of fantastic games. And in a time before Windows took off, it offered Workbench - a really slick *nix based graphical OS.

I also used a 64 for a bit before I got my Amiga, and yes that was a superb machine too.

I guess neither the Amiga nor the Commodore 64 folded in two, so this new Ryzen-based machine has that over our two computers.




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