And while the Greens are doing what they do best (opposing green development), the Labour government has already lifted the Tory ban on onshore windfarms.

This is odd, because Labour are the same as the Tories, as we all know, and the Greens are a radical new force. But in this case, Labour are doing the direct opposite of the Tories, while the Greens are doing the same things the Tories did! Most curious.

EDIT: Here’s the official government statement confirming this.

EDIT 2: And this isn’t all! Rachel Reeves is also planning to do more to make onshore wind simpler to build.

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16 points

That was quick.

13 points

There was talk of them getting some quick wins in, because Tony Blair did something similar in 1997. It helps you signal that there’s been a change. Both the planning changes (like this) and stopping the Rwanda deportations have been heavily-discussed so it makes sense to get them out early.

5 points

The specific things I recall were the FOIA (which Blair later came to regret; the tine to strike with such things is while the fires of idealism still burn hot) and removing the control of interest rates from the Treasury - the Tories had been royally fucking the economy with that in the years running up to the election. Imagine if Truss had her hands on that lever.

2 points


removing the control of interest rates from the Treasury

That’s the one they mentioned on the radio.


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