The Greens promised to push Labour to be more radical but are instead acting how they always have: pro nimby, anti-environment.

I didn’t vote Green, obviously. If I had, I imagine I’d be pretty angry that pretty much their first act having quadrupled their number of MPs was to oppose green development.

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4 points

If you have to use a conservative corpo source then I have barely any other choice than that. But you continue your capitalistic propaganda shit.

1 point

It doesn’t matter who says ‘This Green politician opposes solar farms’ because this Green politician does oppose solar farms. Ranting about capitalist propaganda does not change the facts

2 points

It does, especially when you project your claim onto the entire party.

2 points

No amount of ranting can change the facts.

I am not projecting. As I said, it’s part of a pattern of behaviour, as demonstrated by the Greens co-leader’s opposition to pylons and by their official opposition to HS2. Here are some more examples, although to be honest, I’m not sure how many more you need to accept that the Greens consistently do this: siding with nimbys over the environment is a deliberate electoral strategy for them.


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