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15 points

They are like, so close to catching on to something here. You can feel so good!

To quote my favorite Zammuto track:

Your blood pumps through your heart

And flows to the other parts of your body

Let yourself feel your own heart

Beating and pumping

You know what a heart looks like

That good feeling is always there

You can feel so good

And it’s true! You can learn how to capture those good feelings that are usually only fleeting in life and harness them, and make them available to yourself at any time. It’s really powerful!

But it’s really more a trick of like, TM or mindfulness practice. It has very little to do with cum.

8 points

i used to do this naturally when i was young… i could instantly just create the most awesome feeling throughout my body at any time… but i rarely did so because I was afraid it wouldn’t feel so good if I just kept doing it all the time


idk anything about mindfulness but if it was possible to feel any pleasant feeling at all times I think it would call into question a lot of what we know about neurology

I don’t think it would result in it being boring forever though, there’d probably just be a “cooldown” after a while. I’m talking out of my ass though and maybe you can just feel good literally all the time like that

1 point

it was like… when you get excited about something or you’re super happy about something and you just capture that feeling… i was able to just make myself feel that whenever i wanted if i had to compare it to something i’d say it was like the feeling of a come-up on ecstacy but instead of it lasting hours, it would just be for a few seconds or so, but the residual effects were a complete mood/happiness improver that lasted i never tested to see how long i could hold the feeling, it was more like a pick-me-up that would just improve my mood and make things better

but like i said, i only did it sparingly because i was afraid there might be consequences if i overdid it or something… not sure why but that’s just how i felt about it

2 points

Yeah probably from a naive approach I’m sure it would wear off pretty quick. If you just happened to find a way to wiggle a muscle in your body or brain that triggers feel-good, I’m sure it would get old pretty quick. But with some guiding philosophy and intentional practice, it really can keep feeling good! (not always or every time, obvs, but it’s still in you! Try again!)

1 point

yeah, i never tried to sustain it or anything, just in a small burst as a pick-me-up type thing… it would instantly put me in a better mood and that had repercussions throughout the day… some days i might do it a few times… often it was wasn’t really even intentional, it just sorta happened but the effects were very real

7 points
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4 points

Love love love this song. It came up as a spotify suggestion, at just the right moment in my life, and probably since I’d been big into The Books years before (same guy).

Always happy to recommend this track to people, though few real bites into it so far lol. Glad to hear that there’s love out here for it! (lot of really nice comments on the video too)


Whoa wait! Feeling good from nothing? That sounds too much like masturbation. Get this coomer shit off my feed my streak has reached 3000 and I don’t need any reminders



4 points

In all seriousness, it is a little like that! One thing I found during regular mindfulness practice is that you get to this place of all around contentedness, and you start embracing the oneness of all things and the impermanence of subjectivity, and all of a sudden stuff starts to matter a lot less. And like, that’s great when you’re dealing with a lot of anxiety and depression and stress, since it’s a lot less crushing, but also I found that it also killed some of the drive that led to action, as there was no urgent need to escape all of those feelings. It helped to a certain degree though, since that stuff also got in the way just as or more often than it was motivating.

And in that way, it was also a little alienating from other people, since all of their petty dramas and overblown concerns just felt very petty and overblown, but you could tell that they were truly and deeply invested in them. It was like, do you not realize that none of that (or truly anything) really matters?

So yeah, in some ways I would call deep mindfulness practice a little bit masturbatory (in a mostly good way). But still, very little to do with cum.


I wonder if I’d react differently to mindfulness practice given I have a somewhat contrarian opposition to philosophies that put the blame for suffering solely on the one experiencing it. Is it even possible to achieve such a state of euphoria and calm if I actively reject the notion that everyone is capable of experiencing it regardless of circumstances? The idea of losing my respect for other peoples circumstances is kind of terrifying ngl
