I originally had sources and data of the site public, hoping they would be interesting to study, aid in bug reporting, bring contributions, and make site’s algorithms transparent.
Instead, I got knee-jerk reactions about lines of code taken out of context. I got angry dogpiles from the Rust community, including rust-lang org members. I don’t need to endure such mudslinging. Therefore, the sources are no longer available.
As of right now bitcoin
crate is not deprecated, instead responds with error 502.
Why do you say like crap? I took time to understand his position and reasons (which was helpful, because they were different reasons than requests before that). We’ve agreed on a way forward, and I have fulfilled his wish. It has been a bit frustrating for both of us, because it was in essence a conflict, but I think it’s been resolved in a civil way.
Partway through he started suggesting things that just blatantly misrepresented why burntsushi was asking for his stuff to be removed. Even if he did the reasonable thing in the end, he shouldn’t have been so antagonistic about it.
(you’re replying to the guy who runs and responded to burntshushi in that thread)
The initial request was just a question about removal, without getting into why, so it had no stance to misrepresent. The text I proposed was prefaced with “how about: …?”, and based on reasons I’ve been given previously by other people. That was a question whether that’s the right representation, not a statement. I made a wrong assumption, the text wasn’t right, so we found a different one that satisfied him.
Ah, I didn’t recognize the username. My previous comments were on mobile, so I didn’t have both pages open to draw the comparison. Now, I’m not looking to contribute toward giving you more grief than you’ve already gotten, I’m basically just expressing an opinion on the situation and that’s about it. So I’ll justify my opinion a little, but leave it at that.
I would agree that originally, asking him how you should phrase the notice was a good gesture. He suggests “‘This user requested their work be removed from this web site.’ And then link it to this issue?”
Then you respond and recommend “BurntSushi disagrees with sneering at cryptocurrencies, and in protest asked his crates to be removed.” in which, while he did say something to that effect, and that is related to the reason, you asked him what he wanted and then completely disregarded his wish to recommend a more snarky message.
BurntSushi actually responds and gives an okay to a more accurate version of what he said.
Then you respond with “[…] so I plan to develop “making a stance for cryptocurrencies” dedicated feature and move both of you there. […]”
And I read the first portion of how BurntSushi responded to that, and stopped at about that point because the whole thing seemed asinine. It would appear to me that you made him out to be the party in the wrong throughout the entire exchange to that point because he didn’t want to take part in your site.