Hey there GM here,

i polled my group and we landed on Jade Regent as the next campaign we want to tackle (it would be the first in that constellation of 6 players).

Those Campaign Traits, seem rather important, and every playercharacter should have one to have stakes in the Adventure and relationships to the main non-player characters, right?

What about the Caravan Submodule, is it worth it to use/transplant from 1e to 2e?

Also the Calender Year, I haven’t found anything (or skimmed over it), when does the Adventure starts (year and month/season)?

About the play:

We are 6 players + me as the GM, and play roughly monthly in person. We have access to Herolab.online and a FoundryVTT server. My notes and conversion I keep in a Obsidian Vault with TTRPG plugins.

Would love to hear your input!

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5 points

I use the Pathfinder-2e-srd-markdown GitHub repository from ObsidianTTRPGProject as a base. With that I have in essence the Archives of Nethys in my obsidian Vault.

Then to utilise it’s bestiary, I have the plugin “Fantasy Statblocks” enabled which renders those code blocks into Statblocks and provides them to other plugins like

“Initiative tracker” which allows me to build encounters and track encounters, turns, the combatants.

Then “Dice Roller” allows me to roll dice on Statblocks or other dice formulae. Comes with a dice tray.

Another interesting plugin would be “Obsidian Leaflet” which I use for making exploration maps with pins that lead to notes.

To utilise herolab.online, i’ve written an experimental plugin which allows me to pull the characters from an active stage of a campaign, convert them into a “Fantasy Statblock” compliant note so that I can look up the stats of my playercharacters without having to navigate herolab.online’s clunky UI.

I use all that to then to manually convert the adventure path PDFs into obsidian notes. Hyperlink them and hope for the best (I keep the PDFs for reference in my vault though)

1 point

Great thanks for the exhaustive answer ! I take it you don’t use a vtt like foundry to run your games, given the dice roller for example ?

1 point

Oh I do use Foundryvtt for maps and encounters. I just don’t use physical dice as the space behind my screen is quite limited.

Mhm a plugin to sync my foundry combat tab to initiative tracker would be nice…


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