Sweet, cached another hour on Starfield. So far so good, although the REV-8 feels ehr…useless? You just land nearby your objective and take three or four steps. I’m not really into the exploration part as it feels a bit too complex…

On a brighter side I’m quite enjoying the main quest and flirting with Sarah

#Starfield #Gaming #Videogames #LinuxGaming


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1 point

@nitbuntu@vivaldi.net yeah the vehicle works just fine, could have been better, could have been worse, as you said it’s ok. I hadn’t figured out how to use it for mining yet but I’ll get there

1 point

Can the mounted gun be used to shoot at ore?

1 point

@vikingtons@lemmy.world to be honest I didn’t try it, I’ll make an experiment when I’ll get back into the game




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