Photo @ChrisStephensMD Power to the writers and the actors. Support the workers if you can:

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21 points

You know, I saw the story about the actors strike the day after it started on the NBC national news. It was about two minutes of the resporter telling the audience which shows they were going to be missing out on, like the next season of The Handmaid’s Tale. It was so fucking blatantly one sided, to the point of just lying by omission. I’m not even sure they mentioned the AI issue. Of course no rational person should trust a TV network to give them unbiased, rational reporting about a fucking actors strike, but that’s exactly where the average person is going to learn about it. And that’s all that will come to mind - “oh no, my shows might take longer to come out.”

20 points

I didn’t really care about it at first. My thought was, hollywood’s writing has been such complete utter dogshit lately, I literally can’t remember the last time I walked out of a movie blown away by something new. (Dune was exceptional, Maverick was good, but those are books and sequels so not OC. Can’t think of much else…)

Then I learned about fan baiting and how hollywood is actually purposefully trashing beloved franchises just to piss off fans, save money on writing, and essentially prep us for their transition to full AI writing and soon acting. For the last decade I’ve been mistaking their dogshit for out of touch but well intentioned corporate bufoonery. Now I realize it’s just part of their large scale evil plan to stay profitable in a world where hollywood and big budget productions are becoming obsolete and irrelevant.

So I’m on the writers side, but good luck to them, I don’t think they’re going to win this one.

6 points

It was about two minutes of the resporter telling the audience which shows they were going to be missing out on, like the next season of The Handmaid’s Tale.

I wonder if there’s any footage of that. That sounds fucking wild.


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