I wrote MinimalGPT in about a weekend as a minimal chat client where everything is stored client side (chat messages aside obviously).
Entire conversations are stored local to your browser instead of a database etc…
Supports both GPT3.5 and GPT4 as well as basic DALL-E image generation. Possibly Bard integration in the future if anyone actually wants it.
The GitHub is available here
It’s nothing crazy, but for a simple chat client without any BS it is nice.
You have to provide your own API key but they hand them out like candy so have a blast!
Edit - Pushed out a small update that adds a toggle for auto saving new conversations. If disabled new conversations are only saved (locally) when you press the save icon.
After a conversation has been saved it is automatically updated/saved every time you send a message from there on out.
This looks cool, but I’m also having trouble using it on Android. I installed the app like was shown and I entered the API key that I generated for this, but I get the error fetching response. I tried both the 3.5 and 4 models, I’m not sure how to check which I have.
If you’ve created a new account and generated an api key I think you just need to go Billing —> overview and setup your payment method.
I think you get $20 credit for signing up after that and your key is active.
Edit - the default model will be 3.5 as well. I think you have to request GPT4 access still. But they’re giving out access pretty quick these days I think.
Edit 2 - Actually it looks like GPT4 should be available from the start as well now. Nice!