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40 points

Cops seem pretty jumpy

Come on, it’s not like a cop would yell “SHOTS FIRED” because of a falling acorn and proceed to empty his clip, would it?

2 points

Not just empty his clip, but also fatally wounded the person he was transporting at the time. He thought that the guy in the backseat, having already been patted down twice, handcuffed and detained; had a gun.

This was definitely a reasonable amount of anxiety for a state-sponsored bully to have /s

9 points

In the link it specifically states the person wasn’t harmed (somehow). Unless there was a new development in the story this is false. ACAB and all that but we can’t spread misinformation.

0 points

Either I’m misremembering or one of the things I’ve seen on it was wrong then. I watched this video earlier this week and I thought I remembered seeing body cam footage of them actually going to check on the guy after the shooting and the dude was dead in the backseat

-6 points

Think I would rather be shot(chance being shot really) by a cop than let a demonstrated murderer continue picking targets based on whatever bullshit criteria they have in mind.

I can maybe take a bullet or three(~200lbs of … dubious composition). Children, the elderly or other likely targets? Not so much.

EDIT: Imagine prefering random people get shot in a mass shooting(and/or by cops) vs the random “I can take it” self-proclaimed dumbass you encountered on the internet. Congrats, seven random morons, you’ve drank the just-as-toxic-but-sopposedly-opposite-of-toxic-masculinity kool-aide.

6 points

I can maybe take a bullet or three


1 point

Two friends of mine had perpetrators walk up and empty their clips into them. The smaller friend didn’t make it, but the larger one did miraculously survive with 8 bullets in his torso. I’d be morbidly curious to see if there was research supporting that the extra mass made the difference

1 point

You might be surprised. Some people get shot 20 times and walk away without any irreparable damage. It’s all effectively random.

0 points

it depends on where you get hit, unless you get hit directly in a main artery, or dont get tended to quick enough, you’ll more than likely be fine given enough time.

-1 points

Sorry, why /s? Cops aren’t even particularly good(or safe) shots. I would be more worried about them hitting another bystander in their attempts to shoot me.

I’m not saying I would enjoy being shot, but statistically, about two-thirds of gun-shot victims survive(source: the Brady campaign), and, mass of jello that I am, I am in pretty good health since my time wiring barges up over the last year.

That said, this is assuming I happen to be armed and choose to put myself in harm’s way, which is another consideration where I would prefer to be harmed vs others. Odds are good it would be because I chose to do something objectively stupid, versus others whose only choices are to run, hide, or confront their attckers un-armed and otherwise un-prepared.


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