I’ve seen abandoned carts within 10 feet of the cart return. Numerous times. I’ve seen people leave their cart behind the parked car next to them and drive off. Some people are animals.
Ok granted I was being too kind for a generalization there. The core of it is that I think that there is still a line that this absolute judgement skirts around precisely because there are so many extreme bad examples. When does the walk back become unreasonable? If costco eliminated all cart returns would you walk your cart to the door or rack it on the curb and become an animal?
I have shopped at places without cart returns. I bring it back inside. Always. It takes 1 minute.
right yes but that’s avoiding the question by contextualizing it within your own experience. When does it become unreasonable? Your answer seems to be never. Does that remove any moral obligation on the part of the store to provide cart returns? Why do they exist?