Everybody is just walking straight past the fact that capitalism has cucked us all badly enough that we’re discussing the merits of drinking livestock products to save a few bucks?
You know several people did actually do and die from the “Tide challenge”…
That was basically because you could die from pretending to do it. The challenge was to eat a laundry pod. That’s really obviously not safe, but biting a laundry pod and spitting it out after pretending to swallow and die for the camera seemed like a reasonable way to freak people out while skipping the dangerous part to a handful of teenagers. The biting step was the real dangerous one, though, as concentrated laundry detergent can corrode tongues and throats and windpipes really quickly, and you’d lose the capacity to decide what to swallow, what to inhale, and what to hold in your mouth and spit out within seconds. This kills the teenager. The news generally reported this as Teenager dies attempting Tide Pod Challenge instead of Teenager dies attempting to fake Tide Pod Challenge, which didn’t tell teenagers it wasn’t safe to pretend to do, but did make pretending to do it seem like a better prank, so overall only made it more tempting.
Using horse dewormer topically is a popular home treatment for rosacea because it has the same active ingredient as a prescription cream (Soolantra), but the cream is ~$700/mo.
There are so many frugal “life-hacks” that involve a trip to your local feed store.
Yep - that’d fall squarely into the discussing the merits of drinking livestock products to save a few bucks bucket. Thanks for volunteering to demonstrate my point.