How about a maximum wage, minimum wages don’t address the issue of income equality.
Y’all are just trying to climb the shit ladder hung in front of yall
ok wait, your goal is income equality and you don’t believe too low of a minimum wage is a problem but only maximum wage should be a focus? I’m just trying to understand this ideology. You seem to disfavor the rich in your comments, so you don’t believe in wealth hording but you might believe their message of “pull yourself up by the bootstraps?” I can see it, just not understanding what you’re getting at completely.
Too High of minimum wage with population increases exponentially increases inflation.
Targeting the root issue will fix the problem. Putting a bandaid on a bullet wound won’t do fuck all.
No it is not an instant solution, nothing is unfortunately
I did hear a segment yesterday (I think npr) on the radio talking about the “Gold standard” which was used in the 18th century with a more stable system that I think you’d be interested in.
I can’t condone or support your suggestion because I believe inflation has more contributing factors than just minimum wage hikes and population increases (such things as greed, climate change cost impacts, etc). Your statement might be valid if prices were regulated and investigated for the causes of any type of increase.
I also believe companies and owners will NOT provide adequate compensation for the work/profit being performed. A stable regulation system where companies are only able to “fee” out the cost of running the company (and slight profit %) but the rest is given to the worker for his productivity might pan out. But, at the moment, companies can and will only give the lowest amount they can get away with. If you lower that amount they will happily comply (look at how delivery drivers got screwed over with hourly wages being diminished).