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25 points

Saying it’s depressing is understandable,

however as a society we gotta listen to each other instead of just complaining. And a lot of young men have understandable issues with the Democrats. Especially, the constant talking point that “men are all assholes, even worse than bears”, and the like. That severely is something they understandably don’t want to hear. So they don’t vote Democrat (who are more notorious to these talking points).

Maybe one day as a society we will grow up and end the constant in-fighting.

16 points

A lot of young women have issues with the Democrats. Most Democratic voters have major issues with the Democrats. They kinda suck, especially as champions of marginalized groups. We still need to fight tooth and nail for everything because the party doesn’t want to piss off the wealthy.

If anything, we can bond over our shared frustration with the Democrats 🤝

5 points

You kinda swerved right around the real issue: class.

It’s not the democrats, it’s not other races, it’s not gender, it’s not anything that they use to drive a wedge between us. We are all the same and we’re all working class, being intentionally driven apart by issues created to do exactly that. If we can all fight together, we would win. No ifs or maybes about it. It’s their entire goal, to keep us fighting over the made up cultural divisions so we don’t unite under what truly keeps us all down and all disenfranchised.

Fuck all that they want us to think divides us and join together over what unites us: we’re all getting fucked by the ownership class and it’s time we took them down.

4 points

Exactly my point, but people have been conditioned against trigger words like class. I don’t hide that’s what I’m really saying, but I try to present the argument without activating their red scare brainwashing. I don’t even consider myself a Marxist more than I consider myself a liberal, yet it’s still difficult to avoid being branded as such. When they put you in a box, you can’t get through to them and have an honest conversation.

Capitalism is the problem, but the concept itself is loaded like a landmine. I find that trying to disarm or weaken that trap is necessary if you’re to ever get through. It isn’t fair. It isn’t logical. It’s just the reality we have to deal with.

12 points

i live in a city that overwhelmingly votes democrat. i’ve never heard anyone say anything close to “men are all assholes, even worse than bears” IRL. maybe people are saying these things behind my back and i just don’t know. more likely, this is an internet thing where somebody said it, it got amplified, and now people mistake that for reality.

it’s hard to say the internet’s not real anymore, but it’s easy to say that it’s a simulacra. step away from the online rage machine, talk to your neighbors.

2 points

You really missed the whole man vs bear thing? This is why young men are going alt right. No one is listening or talking to them. It’s possible you’re just stuck in echo chambers if you haven’t seen headlines about it. Kinda went viral a bit.

4 points

that’s sort of my point though? it’s a thing which went viral in a space that you occupy. you assume that space is broadly representative: it’s surprising for you to encounter a person who didn’t see the thing you saw. but the reality is that no matter how large your online space feels to you, it’s only ever single-digit percentages of the people actually around you.

it’s more obvious when i frame it this way: would your parents (grandparents, uncle, nephew, …) have a clue what “man vs bear” is about?

6 points

That post wasn’t US-specific. And there is not that much ‘men are assholes’ rhetoric as there’s a screaming about that from the right, internationally, intentionally. This issue though is overblown to recruit folks under their banner.

I suppose you write in a good faith, although a german person defaulting to the US party system (Democrats with a big D) sounds a bit off.

Everyone is fucked right now by the government and\or the capital, whatever country you choose, in a small or a big way, and feel like they deserve a better deal. Complex answers are hard to internalize and they lead for you to see that your enemy is a big corpo of the government and you alone can’t do anything about it. Unless you have a circle of people that thinks the same, that makes you either a lone Rambo or a suicide hotline client. And male loneliness is a proved pandemic, so you’d probably not have these.

Where biggots win big is reducing that to a simple misdirected pointer at who is to blame, like, your problem is immigrants, your problem is blacks or jews, your problem is people like you and you can actually bash them until their skull caves in. You can misgender transpeople and push them into hating themselves more. You can dehumanize people with special needs and they can’t fight back. You can reduce women to pets and beat them up when they misbehave. And feel like a winner, feel like you earn yourself the right treatment by pushing off these parasites, these pests from the ladder you are climbing. They are your competitors, they are given privileges instead of you, your hatred is just, and if it takes strangling a disabled black woman who eats you taxes it’s a moral and right thing to do.

That’s it. Those who actually cause problems make you target your comrades, and make it look so simple you can help your cause by spitting in a hamburger that arab person orders at your joint. They put illusion of small power in your hands, and you cum hard at the mere prospect of it making you and the world better.

That mirage of a distant oasis is what keeps the right going on, and it’s very easy to get into believing it’s real. And it doesn’t help that an imaginary better world of thr past patriarchy is where they feel they could’ve got better chances in. And by selling, successfully, that dream of the world where they could’ve been carried into a comfortable living by just having a dick, the regressive right wins over young men times and times again, and there’s still no big movement to counter that like feminism fought to organize for women, for many reasons, but mostly because we learnt the toxic masculinity from the childhood and we can’t show we are weak and we need that. We just need to become chads, and if we aren’t naturally given such a status like a fuckable fit body, we may take it at someone’s expense by drugs and rape.

That is the mental prison many get pipelined in without any easy way to escape.

6 points

But then, how do we get people to listen to the fact that cis white men don’t get to have all the power they’ve had in the past? Unfortunately, this one is a zero some game. And when they lose the undo power due to their demographics, they’ve got a be able to be willing to let it happen. Because it is just and fair.

For example: So much of Christian nationalism is an attempt to wrest power from anyone else, because it’s their right as white ‘Christian’ males.


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