Here is the text of the NIST sp800-63b Digital Identity Guidelines.
I circumvent that by right-clicking, then choosing “Inspect element”, then switching to the tab “Console”, then typing $0.value = “TheValueIWantToPaste”. If right-clicking is also disabled, I use either F12 or Tools menu > DevTools.
And here I wrote an AutoHotKey script to type out my clipboard a character at a time so I can paste stuff into this remote desktop software I’m using that doesn’t support paste…
It’s kinda necessary when the server’s unlock password is 256 characters long and completely random.
Or just delete the “readonly” bit. I did that on Treasury Direct for years until they finally removed that nonsense.
Sometimes it’s not “readonly”, but a Javascript thing that “event.preventDefault()” and “return false” during the “onpaste” event. As the event is generally set using elm.addEventListener instead of setting elm.onpaste, it’s not possible to remove the listener, as it’d need the reference for the handler function that was set to handle the mentioned JS event. So simply setting the value directly using elm.value bypasses the onpaste event.