Can’t relate, just upgraded my laptop from 32GB to 64GB since VScode would keep closing due to OOM. What? Oh, no, it’s not vscode’s fault…I keep like 5 Firefox windows with 30+ tabs open, like a fucking maniac… Close them? What do you mean “close” them?
I had around 1500 open tabs in Firefox. It was fine. I figured enough was enough and closed them all. Now I close all tabs at the end of the day before shutting down.
When I started hitting OOMs I just downloaded free ram.
(Modifying my zram-generator config to use 1.5x my ram size instead of the measly 4GB – uncompressed – default. Seriously it’s worth looking into, though default depends on your distro)
I think there’s still something wrong with your setup… You should be able to have as many Firefox windows and tabs as you’d like without using too much RAM, since they should de “suspended”.
I regularly have hundreds of tabs running fine, on 32GB of RAM.
Most likely it’s a vscode extension that’s leaking memory, and this problem will still happen after your upgrade, just take longer.