Wasn’t sure where to ask this but figured people here host their own rss platforms. I just started with miniflux. Between that and reeder it makes RSS nice and easy.
My issue is that until the 3rd party Reddit nonsense, i let Reddit monopolize my information gathering. To the point I don’t know where else to get info from. Like which websites I can trust that aren’t just bad forms of marketing. Forums and things like that. I don’t know any of them because I spent all my time with Reddit.
Anyone have ideas or suggestions of good rss feeds for people who are interested in tech and programming and gaming and whatnot
Edit: thanks for all the great suggestions. I’m building up a nice RSS stream.
Slashdot - https://rss.slashdot.org/Slashdot/slashdotMain
HighScalability - https://feeds.feedburner.com/HighScalability
Hackernews - https://news.ycombinator.com/rss
The verge - https://theverge.com/rss/index.xml
I would add Ars Technica to that list and call it a day.
For programming I follow YouTube channels of the conferences relevant for my tech stack (YouTube natively supports RSS). They are generally 1 hour talks but it’s a great way to stay up to date.
Thanks for the suggestions! Hackernews didn’t seem to work. But the rest are good. And I added ars.
I did get it working. I am using this feed url https://hnrss.org/newest?points=200 so it grabs all the newest posts with at least 200 points
Bonus tip: You can also filter Hacker News posts on the amount of upvotes/points. For example, this URL will return only the newest posts with a minimum of 200 points. This way, you only get some of the best/most important posts in your feed.
https://hnrss /newest?points=200