Back when the war started and every sector of society was yelling “Slava Ukrani” and anyone who disagreed with escalation was dismissed as a Russian shill, whomst amogus could’ve predicted that as the war dragged on and costs mounted while the narrative grew stale, that the American public would lose interest, because nobody has any real stake in the conflict and the only basis for their support was the massive propaganda push?
Of course, people got tired of the WoT long before it ended and the media was still manufacturing consent right on through the withdraw. Still got a ways to go before people start accepting it was a mistake from the start and then a ways to go to actually extract ourselves, after which we’ll immediately dive into another one and everyone will eat up the propaganda like Charlie Brown and the football all over again.
Unless you’ve opposed a war as it was starting, you have no right to call yourself “Anti-war.”