The government is still screaming “French kiss every stranger you meet then spit directly in to their mouths”, which is not helpful.
The wastewater numbers and test positivity in my area are both higher than previous troughs and trending up. Does that mean Covid is spreading more aggressively? Does it mean anything? The only data I have, and that as far as I know anyone has, is test positivity and wastewater numbers. I feel like I’m going fucking nuts because EVERYONE, including the fucking contagion dispersal cult, says Covid is over but the actual available data says it’s trucking right along and nothing has changed.
I want to aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Those instructions were written for pre-omicron variants that collected in your lungs, so nose worked. Those instructions are outdated, omicron and onwards collects in your throat.
Like this:
Article about the difference:
The FDA has authorized just one method of taking a COVID-19 rapid test: swabbing the inside of your nose.
But ever since Omicron came into force in the US in mid-December, some people have noted on social media that their rapid tests only come back positive after adding saliva to the mix.
Medical journal article: Saliva swabs are the preferred sample for Omicron detection
Rapid tests in other countries call them nose and throat kits now, because they’re not behind like the FDA is.
It’s almost like we don’t want people to know if they have covid for some reason.
my parents removed my tonsils in the 90s when i was a kid because they got sick of my snoring since we had to live in a one bedroom crack den.