Ooh I’m not sure what GDPR is but would including that in the new comments help or is it just bots blindly doing it?
It’s a European data law. And no it wouldn’t help, they are using scripts to blindly revert bulk changes.
It would help if they were reverting personal information. You have a right for them to remove any data about yourself. E.g. if I have Reddit my email address and date of birth and real name. Then decided to leave Reddit. They would have to get that data off their servers (or they can’t operate in Europe) some companies also need to keep that data in a EU data center not US to keep compliant. just saying “script reverted it” isn’t going to save you. Hell we have to be very carefull to wipe it from preprod environment as well (and never store their data in SIt (without irreveesable flipping the personal details)
However the content itself, if cannot be tied back to the person can stay as is. Of course if you have written in your comment “I’m bob Roberts from robertsville and I run bobs grill” that comment has to go so most sites would rather blanket delete. However if you post a guide to grilling that is not personally identifiable then Reddit could keep that data up
Currently making the comment to state I am from a GDPR protected country, I am going to screenshot it and see if it changes again.
I am not entirely sure it is open and shut on gdpr.
If the post contains any personally identifying information then yes it has to go, but if they disconnect your username/account details from the content and the content is not specifically about you then it can stay up. But it is murky grey area.
General Data Protection Right. You as the owner of your content have unviolatable rights including the rights of deletion. These rights superseds reddits draconical terms of service who lets be honest nobody reads anyway because they are stupidly long.
You are not the owner of your content, you are the owner of your personally identifying data. So if tied to you then must go…but if you have written somthing that is not personally identifying then Reddit could keep it