I’m following a tutorial for creating docker containers, and it is having me go through the AWS beanstalk to create the environment to host the app, but I can’t get the environment all the way there. Everytime I get some error about an instance profile I think it was called, and I’ve tried creating users, roles, and giving the roles the permissions for the beanstalk permissions, but it’s still giving me errors. Does anyone know what I should be doing different?
You can use aws iam list-instance-profiles
to get a list of what is already created. I suspect there is something else wrong.
It cloud be looking for the default Beanstalk instance profile and role (aws-elasticbeanstalk-ec2-role) as it isn’t auto-created anymore. It could also be a permission issue with the role’s policy.
Elastic Beanstalk is one of the few AWS services I haven’t used as it just deploys a number of other services and resources behind the scenes. It is more of a up-and-running-quick demonstration tool than something you would use IRL. It can be used, but there are better options.
Ok. Thanks for the help. That CLI command is for the AWS command line correct, not installing anything on my PC and using my terminal
Yup, that is for the AWS CLI command. You could also use that from AWS Cloud Shell.