First method does not store the number itself anywhere. Let’s assume that you store apples. I come and ask you “How many apples do you have?”. To answer, you go and count every single apple one by one and return me the number. It’s very easy if you have a small number of apples, but if you have, let’s say, 5000 apples - you can see how long it may take.
Second option is you keeping a track of how many apples you have in stock by having it written down somewhere. If I ask you “How many apples do you have?” you just pull out your notepad and tell me the number. If you give me an apple, you just adjust the number you have written down already.
Okay, I swear I almost have it. Where does the stock number come from? Does it regularly pull a number instead of counting, is that the difference? I think what you’re saying is, instead of it checking live, it has a total number taken every so often. Yes?
Edit: Okay I get it, except for where my initial count comes from. I guess it starts at 0?
- First way, constantly checking the number of comments and just goes off of that.
- Second way, stores the number 0 at first and then only updates when a comment is added or removed.
Am I ready for my certificate yet? Yikes. Thanks for going slow, lol.