-56 points
25 points
They is, and has been for a very long time, perfectly valid for singular use.
Most people I’ve encounted do it all the time without noticing between sentences.
-3 points
15 points
Where you you see a gender qualifier in the post? If you don’t know you don’t assume because you turn into a donkey or something like that.
-4 points
2 points
I doubt. What tells you it’s a he… that’s what I’m asking you to do. Show me, prove me it’s a he.
12 points
In english, they stands for both plural and gender-neural (when you don’t know whether the person you’re referring to is male or female).
-2 points
7 points
They has been used to refer to an unspecified individual since before you were born.
-1 points
1 point
6 points