For me, personally, It would be Snatch. It’s such a great movie that I could watch again and again. So many interesting characters and a unique style that sets it apart from so many other movies. There’s just that extra something in that movie
What about you, fellow Lemmites? What is your favourite movie?
The Princess Bride. It has great comedy, action, and romance. It’s influenced my sense of humor and it’s just so much fun.
I watched that with my girlfriend who had never seen it. After hyping it up I had a real “just wait it gets funny” feeling the whole time. Not as good as I remember.
I showed it to my fiance and while I ADORED the rewatch he was very meh and I was questioning him as a person. Then one day he asked me to watch it again so he could watch Andre the Giant again. And then, I’m convinced, it spoke to him and showed him the magic. He loved it. Quoted it. And will watch it with me when I have it on.
I really think mindset and willingness to dive into it is a necessity.
God, what a beautiful movie.
Absolutely agree. Have really enjoyed passing it on to my two girls as well.