Beats making dust, but I might be biased towards handtools.
The Veritas low angle jack is one of my favorite planes, super versatile
I’ve heard great things about Veritas, but man they’re pricey for a hand tool
I “cheaped” out and got the LAJ from Stanley (the Sweetheart No. 62). I think Rex Parker(?) on YouTube had a good comparison of a lot of the “fancy” low angle jacks (as did a million other people). I settled on “good enough”. I do this for fun, and so far that plane has been quite fun and easy to use. I love low angle jacks now.
Edit: here’s the video:
The legs I mentioned in the post are for his 2x4 stool. It’s been a fun project. Wish I had a drill press for the holes. The angles are tricky to get free hand