From a European perspective it’s crazy to read this. It feels like reading about an evil government rising to power in some young adult novel.
Texas is soon equivalent to Saudi Arabia. I don’t want to go there for any reason.
Honestly? As an American I find this positively insane.
Not just because it’s insane… but also they think it can be enforced.
Keep in mind this is the state that seceded from Mexico because they wanted to keep their slaves, failed as their own nation…. Joined the us and then seceded again because they got told no slaves again.
It’s not even important if it can actually be enforced. Just the spectre of it maybe being enforced is enough to change people’s behaviour.
This whole “letting the citizens sue other citizens” loophole that the Rs have started to use as a means to circumvent proper lawmaking processes has to be closed.
It’s not a legal issue, it’s just propaganda and fear mongering masked as a legal issue to create confusion.
Anybody can sue anybody for anything. That’s a fact you can’t and don’t want to change.
These “laws” would not stand up in court. They don’t actually want anybody to sue for this because the first case that gets thrown out or ruled against will show that.
But until that happens it’s a cheap way to scare people.
As a Texan it is really sad to see this shit happening. The state used to be all about personal freedoms and staying the fuck out of your personal life, but the political theater has just been “own the libs” for the last decade.
FFS the clowns in charge just tried to pass a law that would neuter the larger metropolitan areas’ ability to pass their own legislation because even gerrymandering the high hell out of the state we are still turning purple. Unfortunately, the state is held hostage by rural communities who are afraid of melanin and think Jesus was too “woke”.