- What book is currently on your nightstand?
- Who is the author?
- What genre?
- How do you like it?
- Would you recommend it to others?
I have just finished the first three of Dennis E Taylor’s Bobiverse books over the last week and a half or so. It is a long time since I have read anything so rapidly: they are very compelling. However, since they form a natural trilogy, I have taken a break before Heaven’s River and gone to the second of Martha Wells Murderbot series Artificial Condition. I have only just started this one, but thoroughly enjoyed All Systems Red.
I am also reading The Inimitable Jeeves by P G Wodehouse. I do enjoy Wodehouse as a rule, but this one is extremely episodic - to the point where it feels that it should have been a collections of shorts - and is not one of his best. I picked this up since Joy in the Morning was not to hand at the time, which I have read decades ago, and was planning to re-read. JitM is one of his best.
With the bobiverse being so compelling, I have taken a break from Robert Brightwell’s Flashman’s Waterloo - one of his prequel series to George MacDonald Frasier’s Flashman series - although I certainly will be returning soon since it is as solidly researched and entertaining as the GMF originals.
And then I am continuing with my read-across-the-year of Finnegans Wake which is proving as fascinatingly incomprehensible as ever - although the latest chapter is perhaps less impenetrable than some - and its connection to Egyptian myth and the Book of the Dead are a little clearer here.