Insisting things like tax returns or household maintenance should be taught in school.
The goal of Education is not to train you to fit into the system you happen to grow up in, but should provide the foundation (litaracy, STEM, art …) and awaken the curiosity in yourself to become lifelong learner. That will develop society, and not a bunch of drones doing their tax returns and changing tires every season.
The most important thing you can learn, is how to learn. One of the things that most upsets me is when I hear someone say they can’t do something “because no one ever taught me how”. It’s not your teachers/parents job to teach you how to do everything under the sun.
Ignorance is nigh-inexcusable in today’s society, with so many sources of information at our fingertips. That’s where the “poorly educated” part comes in for me - folks who don’t know how to search for and evaluate information.