I mean… The plan to go dark was originally to protest the API pricing and policy changes. And as far as I understood, they’re all going dark until Reddit backtracks those announcements
Initially at least, the subs I saw were talking of going dark only for a couple of days, with only a few stating that they will go dark indefinitely. If everyone is on board now for indefinite darkness then that’s great!
Maybe I got it wrong then, but at least that’s what I understood initially. I guess we’ll see
I think some of them are changing that now and going dark indefinitely. I’m pretty sure I saw that r/Videos which is one of the biggest subreddits said they were going down indefinitely, and r/AskHistorians was going completely down for the two days, then staying in read-only mode indefinitely after that so people can still look up info but can’t interact with anything.
I think that’s right, but I’m not going back to reddit to check.