Hi, I’m new to printing. I got myself a Kobra 2 and it was printing fine when I got it. But recently it started to knock the prints off at random times. I have done several recalibrations, adjusted the Z offset up and down. What I have noticed is that all of these models seem to have a small overflow of material which I’m guessing the nozzle is bumping into. But I have no idea what causes it. I’ll post the latest print that failed, there the extra material is more pronounced than usual. Any suggestions what I should adjust? (Btw I’m using Octoprint)

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4 points

First thing to try would be cleaning your bed with alcolhol / soapy water. Grime and fat from your fingers prevents good sticking of prints.

Then, what happend to your first layer? Is it supposed to be cylindrical at the bottom too? It also looks like the first layer height is way to high: the filament is just laying around like spaghetti, not adhered to the bed

1 point

I have cleaned the bed already with alcohol and microfiber cloth. Yeah the brim is supposed to be cylindrical but it obviously isn’t :D . Is that a modification I should do in Prusa Slicer? For the first layer height

3 points

You may want to calibrate your z height. The first layer should have a slight squish to it in profile, like a cat tongue biscuit.


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