I posted this question because I once saw a tweet that said something like:
“If you use adblock, you don’t care about creator’s point blank”
What is your opinion on this? Do you agree with them?
I own my computer, and I control what is displayed on it. I can do anything I want to control what is and isn’t on my screen. It is not my problem is the majority of content is reliant on an ineffective monetization method.
I do wish someone would make an ad block that faked impressions. But it would probably lose the advantages of fast load times, security etc.
This plugin supposedly kind of does that. I remember a few years ago Google removed it from the Chrome store, which I took as a good sign.
I never gave it a go though so I don’t know how well it works nor if it’s maintained; not only am I a bit too lazy to try to do some of that research myself, I also don’t browse that many different websites to consider I could have relevant data.
There definitely is/was an adblocker that clicks on ads but doesn’t show them. Don’t make me look it up, I don’t care enough ;)